Green Key Gold

for Camping Kogerstrand

Green Key Gold for Camping De Shelter

De Koog, Texel 

De Krim Texel has been working towards sustainable operations for many years. After all, this is inseparable from our care for Texel. These efforts have ensured that Campsite De Shelter has received the Green Key Gold certificate since 2022. Below are some examples of the sustainable operations at Campsite De Shelter.

Sustainable policy Camping De Shelter

As at all our other parks, at Camping De Shelter we pay close attention to insulation, sustainable materials and smart technology to save energy. In recent years, many energy-saving measures in areas such as water, lighting, heating and cleaning have been implemented behind the scenes.

Read more about the sustainability policy at our parks 

About Green Key

"Companies with Green Key certification are doing much more in terms of sustainability than the law requires"
Green Key Netherlands

Some examples

  • The main building on the campsite has a so-called green roof. This sedum roof contributes to biodiversity and also provides natural insulation: cool in summer, warm in winter.
  • The reception and sanitary facilities of Camping De Shelter are heated by means of a heat pump. This reduces gas consumption and CO2 emissions.
  • On the pitches, we offer 10 amps as standard. If you need more, this can be increased to 16 amps on every pitch. By not offering this as standard, we save a lot of energy.
  • At Camping De Shelter you will find soap in dispensers in the public toilets and these are equipped with a hand soap with a sustainability label.
  • You can easily rent (electric) bicycles from us. We encourage cycling on the island instead of travelling by car.
Island post: the latest news
Bio-digester Holiday Park De Krim

De Krim Texel is taking another big step in sustainability with the arrival of a new bio-digester.

Read more

De Krim Texel is working hard to become more sustainable.

Read more
Pride of the park manager

'Camping De Shelter has few facilities. Installing the heat pump to heat the reception and sanitary building is the best way for us to reduce gas consumption and CO2 emissions. Good for people and the environment.'

Robert Saal
Park manager at Camping De Shelter

What's Green Key?

The Green Key is an international seal of approval for businesses in the leisure sector that make every effort to preserve the environment. The quality mark is awarded in Bronze, Silver or Gold. Camping De Shelter was awarded the highest rating: Gold.

In the coming years, De Krim Texel will continue its efforts to further reduce its environmental burden at Camping De Shelter. The Certificate Green Key 2022 (pdf-NL) will help in this respect as the standards are tightened every three years.

Find out more about Green Key.


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